Song of the Day: "The Only Living By In New York" by Simon and Garfunkel

>> Friday, July 2, 2010

So, as a roadside request from Stevie, I bring you the song of the day. Now, I am sure she has her reasons for this song, and I am sure they are deep and meaningful. Hell, I am sure her trip from New York back to the plentiful Pacific Northwest makes this song even more impactful, but I am not going to talk about that. Nor am I going to give you all my reasons for loving this song although I do so love it. Because I think that this is one of those songs that 100 people would have 100 different, highly personal reasons for loving and caring about it.

Listen and love.

I apologize for the video. I generally do not like to use slide shows, but this is the best I can find.

"The Only Living By In New York" by Simon and Garfunkel


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